Neck Lift Clinic in Mission Viejo


Initially, you may attempt to minimize excess fat in your neck area with diet and exercise efforts. You might even try various topical remedies in hopes of finding something that works. If such efforts aren’t doing you any favors, consider a visit to a neck lift clinic in Mission Viejo. This is where you can learn more about a procedure known as a submental lipectomy – or “neck lift,” a surgical procedure that could leave you with a more youthful-looking neck/chin area.

Pre-Surgery Evaluation

At a neck lift clinic in Mission Viejo, your neck area can be evaluated to determine if cosmetic surgery is the best option for what you hope to achieve. You’ll also undergo a physical exam that includes a discussion of your medical history. You my also be asked about any previous procedures you might have had done on your face and/or neck area. Generally, good candidates for a neck lift are in good overall health without any serious or chronic skin disorders or conditions that could cause issues with bleeding.

About the Procedure

It is possible to have surgery at a neck lift clinic in Mission Viejo with sedation and local anesthesia, but general anesthesia may be more appropriate if your procedure is more complex. It’s common for liposuction to be used when a neck lift is done. This part of the procedure involves using specialized instruments to removed excess fat under the chin.

A traditional neck lift is done with an incision made in the hairline around the ears. The cut will extend around the ear to the lower hairline. Fat may also be redistributed to eliminate jowls. It’s also common for a muscle that extends along both sides of the neck (the platysma muscle) to be tightened. If liposuction is part of your procedure, a separate incision will be made under the chin to do this part of your surgery.

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If you opt for a limited neck lift at a neck lift clinic in Mission Viejo, incisions will only be made around the ears. However, this option is usually only recommended if you do not have significant issues with under-chin fat.

Follow-Up Care and Results

There will be some post-surgery bruising and swelling, but this is normal and it will go away within a few weeks. Incision lines will fade in time as well. As swelling subsides, you should begin to notice the visible results from your neck lift procedure. Because a neck lift will not stop additional fat from accumulating, it’s important to be mindful of your diet and exercise habits. Your surgeon can offer more specific advice about extending the results of your procedure.

The first step to take when exploring your options with submental lipectomy is with an initial consultation at a neck lift clinic in Mission Viejo. This is when you’ll have a chance to discuss expectations and learn what a well-planned neck procedure can accomplish. Some patients opt to combine a neck lift with a facelift or chin surgery (genioplasty) – although a submental lipectomy can a standalone procedure.

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