Neck Lift Specialist in Mission Viejo

Signs of aging can occur no matter a person’s age. If you find that there are notable signs of aging in your neck or jawline, it’s possible that these problems can be effectively treated with a neck lift. This surgical procedure is relatively straightforward and can help you obtain a more youthful appearance. If you’re considering receiving this treatment from a neck lift specialist in Mission Viejo, it’s important that you’re aware of what this treatment entails and what kinds of results you should expect.
What Does a Neck Lift Procedure Entail?
A neck lift procedure can be used to treat a wide range of issues, which include muscle banding in your neck, jowls in the lower face, fatty deposits around your chin, and loose skin anywhere in the neck area. The signs of aging that can appear in your neck and jawline could occur for a variety of reasons, the primary of which include environmental conditions, stress, and hereditary reasons. This type of procedure is commonly combined with additional rejuvenation treatments like eyelid surgery, a brow lift, and a fat transfer.
All treatments by a neck lift specialist in Mission Viejo will begin with the administration of anesthesia. Once the anesthesia is provided to you, incisions will be made, which typically occur around the ear. The length of the incision depends on how extensive the treatment is going to be. Once the incisions have been made, fat can be redistributed and sculpted to reduce any notable signs of aging, after which any excess skin will be trimmed away. The incisions can be closed with skin adhesives or sutures.
How to Prepare for a Neck Lift
When you’re getting ready to obtain a neck lift treatment from a neck lift specialist in Mission Viejo, there are some preparation guidelines that you might want to maintain. For instance, your doctor may recommend that you don’t take any blood-thinning medications or aspirin until the procedure has been administered. You should also avoid smoking, which is known to slow the recovery process.

Risks of Obtaining This Procedure From a Neck Lift Specialist in Mission Viejo
Even though neck lifts are considered to be safe treatments, there are some risks that could occur while the treatment is ongoing or in the days following the procedure. It’s possible that you will suffer from bleeding directly under your skin, which is referred to as a hematoma. You could also have an adverse reaction to the anesthetic that you’re provided with. Some of the additional risks of a neck lift that you should be aware of include an infection, the development of thick scars, skin loss, blood clots, and injury to a nerve.
Potential Results From This Procedure
During the recovery process for a neck lift, you should expect it to take anywhere from a few weeks to several months before all of the bruising and swelling dissipate. It can take upwards of six months for your incision lines to go away. Make sure to keep your skin protected from the sun while you recover.