Turkey Talk: How to Get Rid of Your Turkey Neck

  • Posted on: Nov 15 2018
  • By:

Neck Lift Beverly Hills & Laguna Niguel, CAWith Thanksgiving just around the corner, you are probably planning on eating more turkey than you may care to admit to anyone. And although eating turkey is delicious, it’s not necessarily an animal that you want to resemble. Luckily, here at Dr. Taylor Pollei office, we can perform a surgical procedure called a neck lift to help patients like you get rid of unwanted excess neck fat and skin. Let’s take a closer look at this type of surgery to help you determine white or not it’s something that you may want to consider.

What Is a Neck Lift?

The goal of a neck lift is to tighten the soft tissue structures under the jawline to help lift and tighten it. This procedure involves tightening neck muscles and removing fat. One thing that we encourage patients to remember about neck lifts is that, similar to facelifts, the goal of a neck lift isn’t to create an unnatural appearance by tightening the skin, but rather the goal is to remove excess tissue to create a more stable foundation in the neck.

Can a Neck Lift be Done With Other Procedures?

Most commonly, neck lifts are done in conjunction with other procedures like a facelift. But, a neck lift can be done on its own as well. During your initial consultation we will discuss all of your surgical options.

Who Is a Good Candidate for a Neck Lift?

The best way for Dr. Pollei to determine whether or not you’re a suitable candidate for a neck lift is during a consultation appointment. By taking a closer look at your neck and the condition the skin on your neck is in, he will be able to determine if he thinks you will respond well to this type of surgery. Typically, suitable candidates are patients who have excess sagging skin around their neck that they can’t get rid of. Additionally, patients who are suitable for this procedure also are in overall good health.

Leave the turkey talk to the Thanksgiving table rather than to your neck. To learn more about neck lifts, schedule an appointment with Dr Pollei at our Laguna Niguel or Beverly Hills office and call us at 949-438-8338.

Posted in: Neck Lift

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