
Non-Surgical Procedures Beverly Hills, CA

How to Get The Face That Any Blogger Would Envy

Scrolling, swiping, liking, loving, commenting; whatever you like to do the most, it’s safe to say that social media has taken over our lives. If you like to follow fashion or beauty bloggers, then you know just how perfect their skin is (even if they do use a little photoshop). What if we told you… Read More »

Chemical Peels Beverly Hills CA

How to Recover from a Chemical Peel

Whether you suffer from hyperpigmentation, acne, scarring, fine lines and wrinkles, or a change in skin texture, Dr. Taylor Pollei has got you covered. One treatment that can help with all of these issues is a chemical peel. Here at our office, Dr. Pollei offers three types of chemical peels: superficial, medium depth, and high… Read More »

Dermal Fillers Beverly Hills CA

How to Keep Your Plump Pout Looking Better For Longer

If there’s one trend in Hollywood that has everyone talking it’s plump lips. Not only can plump lips make you look younger, but they can make you look sexier in just a few minutes. And although lip injections themselves don’t require any work on your end (other than maintenance) here are a few ways that… Read More »

What Can Facial Rejuvenation Do For You?

Even if you babied your skin growing up, have never laid in a tanning bed, spent most of your summer vacation inside, and have always worn sunscreen, everyone starts to lose collagen and elastin in their skin. If you have noticed a loss of volume, an increase of wrinkles, and an overall change of texture… Read More »

Neck Lift Beverly Hills, CA

How to Recover from a Neck Lift

Similar to how the face ages, the neckline also shows signs of aging. Even though the neck isn’t directly exposed to the sun, the skin on the neck starts to lose elasticity and change in texture as you get older. Additionally, patients also tend to accumulate more fat and skin around the chin and neck… Read More »

Non-Surgical Procedures Beverly Hills CA

Want The Volume Back In Your Skin? How We Can Help

When your skin starts to age, one of the first things to go is the volume in your skin. That collagen you had in your twenties? It’s practically gone down the drain. The volume you had under your eyes that made you look alive and well? Well, let’s just say that you could audition for… Read More »

Dermal Fillers Beverly Hills CA

How to Feel Confident This Valentine’s Day

It’s that time of year where you either love it or hate it: It’s Valentine’s Day. Whether or not you have a date with yourself, a new significant other, or the spouse you’ve been married to for the last decade, nothing will make you feel quite as confident in yourself as having fuller lips and… Read More »

Facelift Beverly Hills CA

How to Hold Your Head Up Higher in 2018

Aging can be summed up in about six words or less: The good, the bad, the ugly. And although aging can bring along with it some experience, wisdom, and hopefully some good memories to cling to, it can also wreak havoc on your physical appearance— especially your skin. As you age, your skin starts to… Read More »

Fat Transfer Beverly Hills CA

How Fat Can Be Your BFF

If fat injections sound counterintuitive, then you aren’t alone. The name itself makes patients think, “Why on earth would I want to inject my body with fat when I’m trying to lose weight?!” However, even though the procedural name itself comes with a lot of stigmas, fat injections are beneficial and can help patients get… Read More »

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